An insurance quote engine is so much more than a place to find out how much a 30-year Term policy will cost your client. It lends credibility to your brand. In this competitive industry, it’s important to use every tool to your advantage. Adding an insurance quote tool to your tool kit provides prospects confidence in your offering as well as a convenient way to get the information they need, which can help to improve sales.
When you work with Apex Insurance Group, you’ll gain access to a leading quote engine to use for your site. This tool is just one of the features in your Business In A Box. Learn more below, and become a member today!

What Is It?
A quote engine is a useful tool that should be in any insurance agent’s arsenal. This tool allows you to enter prospect information, select underwriting, carrier and product preferences, and receive instant quotes to compare. Using this in combination with a CRM and the other tools can be a powerful way to drive prospect engagement and close leads.
Key Benefits
Here are some of the top benefits you can expect from using a quote engine:

Build Integrity
As word of mouth is one of the most important aspects of building your brand, building credibility is essential. A quote tool can help to show clients that you are impartial to any company. That impartiality can instill confidence in clients, letting them know that you have their best interest in mind.
Keep Clients Engaged
People these days want to find the information they need quickly. By showing prospects different carriers and quotes, you eliminate the need for future research.
Build Talking Points
Establish quick talking points that can allow you to find the best product quickly. These quotes also give you the opportunity to speak from knowledge about each product and offer assistance in picking the best fit for your clients’ needs.
Streamline Your Processes
Why spend all of your time looking up rates for different products and carriers? Get your time back with this powerful tool that provides all the information you need in seconds.
Sign Up Today
To take advantage of all the benefits a quote engine has to offer, sign up with Apex Insurance Group today. Our insurance marketing agency provides members with a full suite of tools and services to help you discover more leads, nurture prospects, and close deals. We look forward to working with you.