Federal and Postal Service

The market is open

What We Offer

All agents receive industry leading training in preparation for a coveted designation separating you from all other advisors. Our lead sources are poised to offer you warm leads, from multimedia and live Nationwide educational Federal seminars our call centers are ready to set your appointments for you.

Apex Insurance Group and its partners offer a multitude of lead options. Leads types include but are not limited to:

  • Gently used leads
  • Seminar leads
  • Social Media leads
  • Database mining
  • Referrals

The Benefit Master is the single easiest and intuitive software developed for presentation and sales to the federal and Postal market. This time tested, since 2003, PC based platform has been used in nearly 30,000 benefit reviews. TBC self-developed the application to fit a clear void in the market.

Our custom designed and self-created web-based application, appt-set, is our CRM for the federal and Postal market. The application is available from phone, tablet, laptop, or PC. Easy to use and specifically focused on this market.

Apex Insurance Group through its child organization, TBC, provides top level federal and Postal Service employee benefit training. WE WILL ensure any producer is fully capable to understand and explain benefits.

All producers will earn a professional designation upon completion of training. This designation will help seal your competency among the market we serve.

Selling Points

This market has well over 2 million employees and as with any large company offering group benefits, they all need a review of how their benefits work. This offer our agents the opportunity to assist in changing family life insurance coverage as well as assisting in rolling over retirement accounts after age 59 1/2. In addition, we have supplemental retirement products and disability products for the large number of new hires.

The Agents Edge

Working with a company that has well over 20 years in this market and your designation gives you the credibility you need to open any door. Using our known brand and proven selling system will set you apart from any competition. After a short time, if you work our system you will become the “Go to Person” in your area for retirement and benefits advice. Let’s face it, after 20 years we must be doing something right.

Business in a Box

Replacing the brick and mortar store front of yesterday with a virtual online presence. Multiple websites to direct new and existing clients giving you professional visibility as well as a professional email, your new address. Along with replacing the paper ads of old with new and fresh multimedia advertising, filing cabinets and rolodexes with our Virtual Office Suite (VOS) system.

Give us a call and let people know your open for business.

Let's Talk

Your business and success are just as important to us as it is to you.